All in 3 days. I have a tremendous new found appreciation, and almost idol-worship of mothers of multiple children! I'm wiped out after babysitting/housesitting for what seems like five minutes, as compared to a lifetime. The difference is, tomorrow I'll leave, and go back to doing normal 22 year old stuff. I've been taking care of my three favorite children in the world, The Newitt kids, whom I've watched grow from a 2 year old and a newborn sister, to a 13 year old boy with a heart of gold, an 11 year old fiery freckle-faced girl, and a 6 year old full of innocent joy. Drew, Patsy, and Peter will always be my favorites! I haven't been able to spend much time with them, since I've been at school for so long, but now that I've spent the last three days living and taking care of them, I realize how much I love these children. And this family! Scott (aka "The Firefly guy") and Trisha have always been like second parents to me, and it's quite encouraging to have such a family grounded in the Lord and their church so close to my heart. It's really been a joy to be here!
That said, it's been a great time to think about growing up while I've been here! Lately, I've been so frustrated with where I'm at in life. I'm looking for apartments, but it all seems too expensive. Then I was really hoping for a certain job in Charlotte, but didn't get it. I'm just trying to make ends meet, but not really utilizing my degree that I worked so hard for. And, I can't lie and say it doesn't bother me a bit that I'm completely single, because there is that bug in my ear when someone I know gets engaged (or married) like, every other day. Ok, maybe not that often, but it feels close! And contrary to popular belief, it does kinda get old hearing "So, who are you dating these days?" and I respond with the ever-faithful "Oh, no one. Boys are trouble", in which I'm seemingly a confident single gal. I am, but I'm also always up for meeting prince charming. :) Thus, the cards haven't seemed to fall right these past few weeks. However, these past few days of "playing mom" have helped me look at my life from a different angle.
It hit me when we went to the movies. I took Peter, the six year old ladies man, to see UP. The intro jingle that plays for all disney movies (You know, when they're drawing the castle in the beginning) began to play, and I'm not lying, I got chills. It was a moment of joy, where I remembered hearing that jingle growing up. For a minute, I was little again. I know that sounds so silly, but it was nice to remember what it felt like to have a child-like heart. And seeing Peter's genuine joy in experiencing life, and playing games, and giggling, and just being a kid, has made me see in these past few days how good life is supposed to be. Granted, I'm not six, and I have responsibilities, it's been nice to steal away from worries and spend time with some great kids. There were also several other enlightening moments throughout the past few days, but I already feel this post is pretty long...I'd be here all night.
Back to reality, all the money I earned on this wonderful sabbatical from reality went straight to Park West Veterinary Clinic today. Charlie got sick, and had to go get an IV and special food. Dollar earned, dollar spent - Easy come, easy go. So I really felt like a mom, when I had hard earned money, which went straight to my "child" (for all intensive purposes). Oh well, he's worth every penny, and to tell ya the truth, I earned a lot more than just money this weekend. I earned a flashback to childhood bliss, a taste of being a mother of three, and a reunion with the sweetest children God could give. It's been refreshing.
Drink some Firefly, and be blessed :)
"Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14
So, this was not taken in 2003...but here's Drew, Patsy, and Peter!