My life is certainly full! Much like this post is going to be - so get comfortable!
It's Friday. I'm worn out, exhausted, and yet overjoyed. I have life. I've been given innumerable blessings in my life, and lately that little word - "life" - won't leave my head. Holy Spirit - is that you? Are you telling me something? I think so.
Let me start by saying life is fragile. Too often I take life for granted, and am constantly wanting more out of life, and feel discontent with my life, and too seldom I sit back and simply thank God that I have life. For giving me life, and letting me keep it for a while. Too often I don't appreciate that gift, until something happens which jeopardizes my feeling of control.
To see all of our camping pics, check
out my facebook album here. |
Last weekend, I went on a camping trip with David, Chanell (his sis) and her husband, Mike. All weekend I was looking at God's beauty in the trees, the river, and all the life surrounding us. It was perfect. Relaxing by a river, reading my book, watching the leaves fall, and thoroughly enjoying the slow pace of life.
Until the way home, life became more real, more quickly than you can blink your eye. Picture this: Truck bed packed full of camping gear (so high it leveled the top of the cab) driving down the interstate at about 75 mph. Between Newberry and Columbia, at about 9:30 pm, a hawk (about a 15-20 lb monster) flew into David's truck windshield - shattering it. That's the bad news. The good news came in the form of miracle after miracle that emerged from the situation. Every time I leave to go on a long trip, I say a simple prayer for God to surround our car with angels, and protect us while we're traveling. I didn't think to say "God, let an angel sit on David's lap and hold his windshield together incase a bird wants to come in." But, He knew. He had to have put an angel in the driver's seat - because the impact was literally in front of David's face - had it busted, I have no doubt he would have been killed.
We had to leave the truck behind,
and drove back up there the nest
day to get it fixed & drive home. |
Miracle #1 - The windshield didn't bust through - it was concave into the cab of the truck and felt flimsy as paper to the touch, and had feathers stuck in it, but still held together (literally by the layer of glue that they put on windshields, but I have faith that something else held it together). Miracle #2 - the bird didn't hit the small car Chanell was driving behind the truck - the situation would have been a great deal worse. Miracle #3 - we were on the interstate at the ramp of an exit, so we were able to safely pull off. Miracle #4 - we got in touch with a u-haul in Columbia (we were about 30 miles above columbia) who had
one truck left on the lot, and the guy was willing to wait for us to get there, so we could have a way to get all our stuff home (there was no
way it was fitting in the Kia!)
David had not a scratch on his body, and everything went (relatively) smoothly. We got home late in the night/early in the morning, all in one piece. We were all reminded of the fragility and preciousness of life. And how quickly some fluke situation could take it. Needless to say, I haven't much let David out of my sight for the past week. I would have been ruined had anything happened to him - or any of us.
Since we returned, life hasn't slowed a bit. I've been busy at work, and had something to do every night this week - be it high school life groups, a birthday dinner, laundry, driving to get the truck, etc. My house is a disaster, and I'll be doing nothing but relaxing this weekend! And I'll enjoy every BIT of it.
All that being said, now onto my next conviction about "life". Suicide. The taking of your own life....
I don't see it as an option for anyone, and I want people to know there are plenty of other options - no matter how bad your life may appear to be. I've learned in the past week to be thankful you
have one! I'm sponsoring a team for a suicide prevention walk in Charleston in November. Here's a bit of the information on my team page...
Did you know that in the U.S., every 16 MINUTES someone commits suicide?
Suicide takes too many lives these days. Too many people see it as an a "way out" of tough times. Being a volunteer adult leader in youth ministry, I've seen how suicide specifically affects teens in our society. I've seen and felt the heartbreak, and the aftermath of suicide. I've seen the devastating effects of suicide on families, friends, pastors, loved ones, coaches, and even people they didn't know...
On Sunday, November 7, 2010, I will be joining with thousands of people nationwide to walk in AFSP's Charleston "Out of the Darkness Walk" to benefit the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. I'd love to have YOUwalk with me! It's a 2 hour walk in downtown Charleston on a November Sunday...come on, who wouldn't want to spend the afternoon outside this time of year?! I would appreciate any support (moral or monetary) that you give me for this worthwhile cause.
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is at the forefront of research, education and prevention initiatives designed to reduce loss of life from suicide. With more than 33,000 lives lost each year in the U.S. and over one million worldwide, the importance of AFSP's mission has never been greater, nor our work more urgent.
I'd really, really appreciate any support you can give. Be it prayer, monetary support, or physical support in walking with me! To visit my team page to donate or join (and be AWESOME), go here.
Whew! Long post - but if you take anything from it - take this: Your life is precious. Your life is a gift. No matter how boring, exciting, sad, happy, lonely, or blessed you may feel. It is fragile, so be thankful. Make it a point to see the joy in your life today (and send a thank-you to the Giver of Life)!
Peace & Blessings,