So update since June. I live in an amazing house on Sullivans Island and have fallen in love with the island lifestyle - afternoon golf cart rides, supper on the screened porch, sitting in the sun with my roommates and a cold beer, sunday brunch at the street cafes and running along the beach. Not to mention I'm insanely grateful for three of God's blessings that have come in the form of my three roommates.
I work at MUSC, for the Office of Continuing Medical Education. It's under the umbrella of the Dean's Office for the College of Medicine. Lots of words - but it's a fun job, and I'm thankful to be on salary with benefits!!! I worked at Carolina Girls for a while, doing stationery and printing, which is really where my interest and passion is...but for now, I'm really enjoying MUSC :) Still not giving up on my dream of opening my own store one day!
I've been dating my "high school sweetheart" again - something which I would have never thought possible. To me, it just goes to show God's divinity over our tiny little human desires. He knew 8 years ago that David and I had to grow up - separately - and had things to learn and experience on our own. So, here we are today, crazy about each other as we were then - just a little more mature. I hope we never completely mature though....don't want to be boring! :) So every day is exciting all over again. The way I see it is that we're the lucky ones...we get to fall in love twice! :)
I'm still doing high school ministry at First Baptist - and can't explain how much I learn through these high school girls (and guys!) I have SO much fun goofing off and talking about Jesus with them. Great, great group of kids. I'm also still a part of the worship band - but for LifePark, the new campus of First Baptist. I'm amazed at how this body has grown in the past year! We actually move into our new building this week!! It's going to be amazing.
Enough for now - I'm off to clean house, do laundry, and do some work. (See, life's not all fun & games on an island!)
p. s. but speaking of Creating - this is what I created this weekend - so if you know anyone who needs calligraphy, send them my way!!!

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