
Daily Resolutions - try it!

First post of a new year! Don't know about you, but I was welcoming January! I  l o v e  Christmas time, but I always end up looking forward to the new year and the slower pace that January brings. All of the holiday madness settles and life regains some normalcy. I was definitely ready for a slow-down, and to have some "me" time again!

This year I refused to make a new year's resolution - because who really keeps those all year? You're setting yourself up for failure. (Am I being pessimistic? Maybe. But realistic? For sure.) Instead, I'm gonna try taking a piece of advice from a magazine I read recently. I get "Working Mother" magazine at my house....weird, I know. (The subscription is for the girl who used to live there...but she's not a mother either. Huh.) Anyways, I picked it up mainly to look at the design (because I'm a nerd like that) and saw this suggestion: Instead of making one whopping new year's resolution, try making a little resolution each morning for that day only. I'm sure I'll do this for a while, and it will fade, but it's a great idea I thought! That way, you have a daily commitment, not a daunting year long commitment. Simple. And I love simple! So far, some of my resolutions have been: to complete my 'to do' list for that day (I'm a list maker), to say 'no' (Because I always spread myself too thin), to play my piano, and to do something nice without reason (Pay it Forward, if you will).

I'm having fun with my mini-resolutions - you should try it!

Peace & Blessings for a healthy, happy, and joyful new year!

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