
Website is UP!

I've finally created a website for all my designs! I've got a long way to go, but I wanted to at least have something out there. I've been getting a lot of wedding orders for calligraphy, and people were asking for samples, and a lot of requests for personalized notecards...so a long overdue website is finally here :) Hopefully, soon I'll get a better domain name, but for now I'm just using my mac.com address.

It's a hodgepodge of stuff, because I create what I'm in the mood to create. One day, it might be designing notecards. One day, it might be painting a verse of scripture that's currently applicable to my life. Another day, it might be a cute invitation someone's asked me to make.

Check it out! You know you could always use some cute thank you notes! :)

Inspired Designs Website


The New Has Come!

I love springtime in Charleston. [Actually, when do I not love Charleston?] I've got the privilege to work next to a park on the water, in which I have gotten into the wonderful habit of bringing a blanket and a book, and spending lunch out there every day. It's an hour of sunshine, salt air, and the smell of the marsh in the breeze...every day. What a blessing! And again, God has given me - and you! - a beautiful, beautiful Friday. The rain last night washed the pollen away [for now, at least], the temperature is great, and everything is looking green and flower-y! I noticed new purple flowers in my yard just this morning.

How evident it is that Spring is a time to celebrate Newness of Life. Easter celebrates our New Life in Christ, and his New Life after death. I think God chose spring to display HIS new life after death. HE is the beauty in the flowers, HE is the beauty in the Sunshine, HE is the beauty in the marsh breezes, HE is the glorious beauty of a hideous cross.

This spring, I have been surrounded with His beauty in new things. My best friend from high school is celebrating a new life - she's pregnant! My new job has been going great - my first design piece just came back from the printer, and even it is beautiful [maybe I'm a little nerdy... but I think it is!] Some of my friends from college are getting married, about to begin a New Life with the one God has chosen for them. And lastly, our NEW church LIFEPARK is completely breaking the small box I realize I had put it in. Last week (the third official week) we had over 850 in attendance!! Talk about NEW life - Christ is showing His beauty in this church. And I'm completely blessed to be HIS servant in the worship band!

This weekend, celebrate the newness of life that springtime brings. Let your prayer be that of joyfulness, and thankfulness for new growth, new beauty, and abundant new life. Ask Him to reveal beauty to you--I promise He will!!

Peace & Blessings,

"Therefore, If anyone is in Christ, he is a NEW creation; The old has gone and THE NEW HAS COME!" 2 Corinthians 5:17