
"...something we need in large and daily doses."

My mind has been all over the place all day. After a great relaxing weekend with friends in Clemson, Monday morning hit like a freight train! Lots to do for work, lots to do after work each day, lots of deadlines coming up, and a forecast full of late nights up ahead. I felt my anxiety kicking in, and after working diligently all morning - at lunch I knew it was time for a re-fill. So, I began looking for something to lift my spirit a bit - and stumbled upon this quote by Staci Eldredge from the book "Captivating".

"Nature is not primarily functional. It is primarily beautiful. Stop for a moment and let that sink in. We’re so used to evaluating everything (and everyone) by their usefulness that this thought will take a minute or two to begin to dawn on us. Nature is not primarily functional. It is primarily beautiful. Which is to say, beauty is in and of itself a great and glorious good, something we need in large and daily doses." 

(this is the Angel Oak David took me to see a couple weeks back)

"Nature is primarily beautiful...something we need in large and daily doses."
So, I'm gonna take a breather and remember to see the beauty in not only nature, but life in general.

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